Thursday, December 23, 2010

A Typical Thursday

Today, I am writing this blog from the school's computer lab. My students are taking online IELTS Listening tests and then they will watch videos of students who scored well on the speaking part. They only have a few weeks before the test and their stress level is through the roof. There is so much pressure from parents, teachers and school officials for these young people to pass a test they are not prepared for. I try to lessen the stress by having fun activities like computer lab or use speaking practice sessions to talk about things they are interested in, like America. After this class, Frank and I will eat lunch together in the office and he will have his Chinese class. Then 2 hours later, I have my last class with level 1 students. I get to be more creative with them since it will be a year or more before they take this test. We played with balloons last week to teach them the TH sound. TESOL training has definitely come in handy! Thursdays are long days. I used to have an 8:40 class as well. Now I don't have to be here until 10:30am. We finish up around 4pm but most of our time is spent waiting for the next class and the long lunch break. I am here 5 1/2 hours with only 3 hours work. Frank is worse, he has 4 1/2 hours but is here from 8:30-4:00. Such is the life of English teachers in China. At least we are getting paid and have a great boss! It could be much worse! I enjoy having the day with Frank though. Its like when we were first married and worked together doing construction. After school and the hour ride home(for slow poke me, that is), we arrive home exhausted and make dinner or sometimes we go to a friends house for a few hours. The best part is that after our long day, Friday comes, our day of rest.


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