Friday, December 24, 2010

How Could I Forget!

I'm not sure what possessed me to make dinner plans at a restaurant, LAST NIGHT. A temporary memory lapse (no smart remarks please) caused me to forget that yesterday was the 24th. I didn't realize it till we were on our scooters fighting thru unusually cram- packed streets. It was like Mardi-Gras or the circus had come to town. People selling balloons, cans of silly string and cellophane-wrapped apples were EVERYWHERE! Ren shan ren hai! 人山人海 means there are people from the mountains to the sea, everywhere. It had the feeling of a carnival the way people were running around, buying red hats, balloons and spraying silly string on each other. Yeah, that is the Christmas custom here. Don't ask me! Anyway, we fought thru and ended up at a huge food court where we had shrimp hotpot and grilled meat and veggies. It was packed full of people and loud, but we still had a good time. Then Frank took a friend home and I raced back to the safety and relative quiet of our cold apartment, made popcorn and cranked up the space heater in the office. Whew!


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