Many parts of Asia are known for very unusual cuisine. We have tried some of it, but most things even I won't try. Frank on the other hand showed a new side of himself when he swallowed the EYEBALL of the famous Yangshuo beer fish. I just ate the fish. I did try the fried crabs fresh from the river, deep fried. Those were good. Frank has tried mud snails too, who is this guy? We had plenty of fresh squid on the beach. We skipped on the crickets, roaches and other insects. Maybe one day... Dried rats and bats anyone? Thai meals are very simple and usually have an egg on top. I love the ice coffee which is just carnation sweetened condensed milk, evaporated milk and sanka. Simple and delicious over ice. Carnation is huge here. Lynche is a prickly fruit with a white egg looking meat inside. Very sweet. They do desserts much better in Thailand than China. The crepes with fruit and ice cream are awesome. You can even have them with ham and corn wrapped inside, you know, if you want. Visit your local Asian store and experiment with new flavors. There is so much more to food than burgers and fries.

Andrew Zimmerman has nothing on your two now.. : )