Vacation is over and life is beginning to return to normal. That is, normal Chinese style. Today I realized how much I didn't miss the noise, crowded buses and the staring. I also realized how much I did miss talking with people and practicing my Chinese. We met several today who were willing to patiently have a conversation with us, speaking slowly and helping us when we didn't get it. I even found a place that will make some clothes for me. Mine are literally falling apart, sad to say. I have the habit of only buying one or two pairs of anything and wearing them out completely before replacing them. That is ok in the States, but they get so much more wear here, that after only 6 months I have lost a pair of jeans, several shirts and two pairs of shorts to holes and rips. The shorts fell apart in Thailand and were all I brought. Thankfully, I was able to find a replacement pair or I would have had to wear a skirt! No Way! If you are considering moving here, keep this in mind. Make sure your clothes are well made and bring a few spares. Anyway, hopefully I will have a new pair of shorts by next week and a Chinese dress. We will see if they make it to fit a western figure.

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