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Friday, April 24, 2009
Coming Home 回国家 (hui guo jia) Part 1
It is official! We have booked our return flight for June 3rd. I am so excited!!! We have decided to return to China after the summer to continue our work and study. My mind tells me it just makes sense to do so, but my heart screams with pictures of friends and family that I miss terribly, and so my heart and my mind struggle to coexist peacefully. I understand now how difficult it must be for others who move abroad and are not able to come home for sometimes three years. Their endurance fills me with awe and makes me wonder if I will ever measure up. Friends here have informed me that if I plan to return, I must prepare my heart for the departure ahead of time or it will be too painful. I think this is good advice. But for now, my heart has moved ahead and filled my thoughts with preparations for our return. What to pack, what to leave behind, what to bring our friends, who will look after our place here, etc. A friend of mine is also leaving around the same time. She is going through the same mental struggle. She has also already started packing. It is hard to contain our excitement. Sometimes we wonder if we are too excited, considering we will not be staying. Where do you find the balance? These are my thoughts today. Mandy "There's No Place Like Home" Dorothy There is nothing like FRIENDS!
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