Sometimes I sit and ponder this. Why are we here? What possessed us to travel to the other side of the world, to settle in a country where almost nothing is familiar and everything difficult to understand? What were we thinking? Then I look at pictures like the ones below. Our friends back home who have no one to talk to, and I remember why. Because we needed to. Because we could. Many of you know that my first response is usually to blame Frank, but I truly understand now that he was only a very small part of it. And there is very little blame left now. I do find it difficult to be away and I often think of those we left behind. Every day in fact. But I am usually able to combat the overwhelming emotions by staying productive and active. Remembering why we are here. Sometimes personal desires must wait. That is only one of the many lessons I am learning here. I only hope I can continue to be a good student.
Let thy Child's first Lesson be Obedience, and the second will be what thou wilt”
Benjamin Franklin 
This is really heartwarming!
ReplyDeleteI hope You will continue your good work!
Hey Mandy, I wish I had something profound to say, but I don't. (so what's new. LOL) But try to remember that very soon time will not matter. This year will barely be a blip in your history. Although right now it seems like an eternity. Think of yourself in 10 years and all of the benefit you will have received from this year. Not only you, but all of the ones who you will be helping. This is the REAL life. You will be helping others make everlasting changes in their life. You will look back on this with the fondest of memories. I promise. Hang in there girl. We are all "with" you. You have already helped me. You have helped me to realize how precious my "friendship" and purpose is, and that it's not all about me. Thanks for that. HAVE A GREAT DAY!!! Sara
ReplyDelete: ) keep up the good work....
ReplyDeleteIt's a once in this lifetime experience. I know that you will forever cherish these memories.
ReplyDeleteLove ya'll.
Jenny say HI! I showed her the pic of herself and of course she blushed and laughed! :)