Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Tomorrow Really Is Another Day!

I went from Kindergarten to the sixth grade in one day! My frustrations from Monday were short-lived. Tuesday morning, we marched ourselves down to school prepared to fight. Instead, we were greeted with smiles and directed to a different classroom, with a class much more our level, even challenging. Our teacher speaks almost no English. This is actually an aid not a hindrance. It is interesting though that in three days of class, she has mentioned Sheng Laoshi and I in the same sentence or asked about her at least five times. Why is there a need to compare? Both teachers are good, their techniques unique to themselves. The elderly English lady has been placed in our class as well. Also interesting. I am very happy that I didn't have to make do and, we get to keep Sheng Laoshi since she will teach us during the Spring Festival, one of the biggest Chinese holidays. Having other students in the class is nice too. It makes things a bit more challenging and we all help each other. The extra body heat comes in handy too since there is no other heat available. Scarlet was right- Tomorrow is another day!

1 comment:

  1. Hello. I am glad things are picking up this week. Shawn said "I wonder when they are going to come out of China. Maybe they are having too much fun & they are never going to come out." Just thought I would let you know that he is keeping up with things too. LOL. His favorite is still the Panda videos. Take care. Love ya, Sara


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