I just looked out the window- it is pouring down rain. It's going to be such a great day....
Okay, I got to the class 40 minutes early because someone called to tell us 9:00 when it actually started at 9:30. I beat the teachers there. When our class finally began, I realized I had been dropped from the 6th grade back to kindergarten. a..b..c..d.., or in this case: b..p..m..f..d.. No chinese characters, and the other two students had never had a class before. How exactly do they go about organizing students with classes? I am so frustrated! Ok, I have to find something positive. One of the four students in our class is a lovely 77 year old Englishwoman from Hastings. She has lived here for four years teaching English and has finally decided to take on the challenge. She is very sweet and I am so impressed by her desire to learn. You go girl! The teacher is also very sweet. Chen Laoshi (Teacher Chen) speaks relatively good English, has hopes and dreams outside of China and crinkles her nose when she laughs. She made the simplicity of the class bearable. Hopefully, we will be able to switch to a higher level class before I start sucking my thumb again, but if not, I will make do and perhaps learn some teaching techniques to use on the children I will be teaching on Saturday. Our teacher offered me a job teaching English to her son and a few neighbors at her house every Saturday for one hour. It isn't much but it's a start. Now I am back home and it is time to make lunch. Perhaps tomorrow will be brighter, it is another day.

“Frustration, although quite painful at times, is a very positive and essential part of success.”
Bo Bennett
“Frustration, although quite painful at times, is a very positive and essential part of success.”
Bo Bennett

First, please tell Frank I hope he feels better. Second, I am sorry you are having a bad day. I'm excited for you about your new job. That will be great. I'm trying to think of something profound to make you feel better, but am having brain cramps this morning. I'll just steal something from "Annie". "The sun'll come up tomorrow, so we just gotta hang on till tomorrow." Take care & know we are thinking about you. Love ya, Sara