We are finally able to start school! I am very excited. I haven't made much progress in my language skills since being here. It is easy to cheat and play the dumb foreigner by pantomiming and nodding. That is not good! I learn better in a structured environment with someone expecting me to be prepared. I guess that is why I loved school so much. (I know, I'm a nerd. Sorry) We start Monday morning bright and early. Every weekday from 8:30-10:30am we will be immersed in Chinese. We haven't recieved our textbooks yet but I know they contain writing exercises too. I will be writing characters!! I have actually been texting in characters to people I meet. The messages are very simple and usually checked by someone fluent, but every time I compose a message and hit send, I am amazed and grateful for the wondrous force that aids our natural ability to learn. Today, I looked at the bus routes and could recognize several characters. I don't know what they mean put together but I know what they are. It is a very weird sensation.
Who'dathunkit??? You go all the way to China & then go to school? That is GREAT. I am glad you guys are settling into a routine. It will really start coming now that you are "HOME". Just wanted you two to know I am thinking about you. HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!!!