Friday, November 28, 2008
Class is in Session

Monday, November 24, 2008
The Most Beautiful Province in China!
The next day was spent in Kunming's city center where there are markets and shops that would take days to explore. In the very center is a bronze map of Kunming on the ground about 20 ft. x 20 ft. Very impressive. We wandered the shops all day until it was time to catch the night bus to Lijiang. It is called a sleeper bus, but with bunks only big enough for children, pillows of metal and a driver that sends you sliding forward at every turn, there isn't much sleeping. I think Frank compared it to a coffin and that is pretty accurate. Your feet are encased in a metal sleeve that goes under the head of the person in front of you and there is a small rail on one side of you to keep you from falling out. Your other side is squished against the wall of the bus. Very cozy. About 3am the bus pulled over for breakfast, at 3 am! The "restaurant" was a large, dark, dirty room of tables and a few young girls in the corner making fried rice and noodles. The drivers were all in one corner playing cards and drinking. We checked; ours was having tea only. An hour later we were on our way and arrived around 7:30am. Lijiang is rather quaint compared to Kunming. The mountains in the background reminded me of pictures I've seen of Aspen, Colorado. The ancient city was all China though, winding streets of shops and hostels that held character and history around every corner. We made it to the top and found a cute coffee shop with a breathtaking view. No one was around, so we made ourselves at home. Frank discovered the free wireless connection and we decided to soak in the sun and the landscape while he surfed. "Can I help you?", we heard suddenly. The owner had arrived. We ordered coffee and commented on his very good English. "I'm from California", he explained. WOW! It is amazing the people you meet. We chatted for awhile and headed back down to visit another old part of town he suggested we see. ShuHe was just another tourist trap but the prices were much cheaper and we got to practice our haggling skills. Joe, the Chinese Californian, told us there was a Mexican restaurant in town and we decided to scout it out. It took us about an hour of hunting, about three or four different sets of directions from "helpful" passersby, but find it we did. Frosty Morning serves THE best hamburger in China. I know, it's a Mexican place, the tacos are ok too, but the burger is IT! I made the mistake of ordering tacos and missed out. Two large patties cooked perfectly, topped with mushrooms, onions, and... a pork chop. Served with fries. Frank did not know what to do with himself. If you ever visit Lijiang, you must visit David and his Aunt Maria at Frosty Morning for the Frosty Morning Burger. You won't regret it. We returned to the old part of Lijiang as the sun went down. The streets were lined with red lanterns and there was music in the air. It was absolutely beautiful.
We caught a bus to Dali the next day, about four hours away. Even if Dali had been a dump, I would have paid just for the ride. We had to delete pictures on the camera to make room for more because every turn was a masterpiece. The city itself was also very nice. It's a tourist trap but the prices are so reasonable for everything, hostel, food, and souvenirs, that you don't mind being trapped. It is a haggler's paradise and Frank had a ball. I bought a shawl for 15Kuai without bargaining and he got upset that I didn't try, so I told him fine, you do it, see if you can get this scarf for me too. Minutes later he walks out with the scarf which was set at about 45K. He paid 15K. He took to his newly acquired skill like a true shopaholic. Every time I turned around, he had another parcel in his hands. After ten minutes at one shop, the lady finally gave in with a sigh and a shake of her head. "You good bargainer", she said. Frank just smiled and cached his spoils with the rest of the loot. The highlight of the market was one art shop. There we found a 16 year old deaf boy selling his paintings. He was so cute, we all bought something from him and then tried to think of a way to bring him home with us. I learned a few new signs. He took a liking to me since I was trying to communicate and we spent about 30 minutes just talking and admiring his work. I don't think he was fluent in even Chinese Sign but he definitely knew the language of bargaining. He was so happy to sell his work, he was almost bouncing. We saw him later on in another part of the market and he ran up to us to tell us about another gallery further down. None of us had a suitcase big enough to put him in, so he had to stay behind. Too bad.
We finished up our trip back in Kunming mainly resting from the rest of the vacation. The plane took off in the evening and we are safely back home. Someday, we would like to come again to the most beautiful province in China.
PS- I have loaded more pictures on Kodak Gallery. Send a note if you would like to see.
Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop away from you like the leaves of Autumn.
John Muir (1838 - 1914)

John Muir (1838 - 1914)

Monday, November 17, 2008
Adaptation and Assimilation--- Possible?

It still surprises me how easily I have adjusted to city life, riding buses alone, walking for miles on my own in areas I have never been before. I am seldom fearful, lonely perhaps, but I can find my own way. I appreciate the air of small town life here though; the market where I can buy fresh cut meat and vegetables with garden soil still clinging to them, the little dogs and cats running free, and especially, the sound of hooves on our street in the wee hours of morning as the local horse-drawn taxi passes slowly by, merging with more modern traffic and disappearing into a cacophony of horns, security alarms and sirens. We are adapting, slowly. If we and they remain willing, I believe we can find our place here.
While we fully expect continued strength in our operations going forward, course correcting adaptations are vital to the execution of a focused
Barry Diller
“Contentment is not the fulfillment of what you want, but the realization of how much you already have.”
Shou Yu (Hand Language)
We are both trying to find our own inspiration and movement. My inspiration is sign language.”
- Alice Howes
- Alice Howes
If you are to reach masses of people in this world, you must do it by a sign language. Whether your vehicle be commerce, literature, or politics, you can do nothing but raise signals, and make motions to the people.”
-John Jay Chapman
Moving Day-who needs Three Men & A Truck?
The Senior Citizens Serenade
They insisted I be in the pic
Handmade Booties
She called us Auntie! Can you say cuteness?
A Stroll Through the Market
If you still have time, you can sit and enjoy your juice while having those nasty ingrown toenails clipped and cleaned.
Have a problem with wax build-up? No problem. The local E.N.T. (Ear, Nose, and Throat doctor) has a shop set up right next to the pedicurists. He is very handy with a penknife or chopstick or whatever else sharp long and pointed he has in his hand. The victim (patient) was nice enough to inform us that
the process was hen shufu (very comfortable). No Thank You!
If you can still hear after that, you can walk down a few paces
"If fools went not to market, bad wares would not be sold"
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