Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hearing VS. Listening

My language skills have improved to the point that I can recognize when people are talking about me behind my back, I'm just not sure what they are saying exactly. Now when I am in public, instead of being in a bubble of ignorance, my brain struggles to translate what is happening around me. The danger is when you try to respond to something you've "heard". Be sure you also got the sense of it (listened) before you speak or you may embarrass yourself. I came close to this the other day but survived since I kept my mouth shut. I was walking down the street with a friend when I overheard a mother talking to her daughter just behind us. I heard "美奴鸡蛋吃“(meinu jidan chi) which is bad grammar for 'beautiful women eat eggs.' I asked my friend if that was a Chinese Proverb or some wise saying, thinking I could use it to start a conversation. She said, " I think she was just telling her daughter to get in the car, 上车(shang che)。Yeah, it's a work in progress.


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