Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sick of Being Sick!

This has been one of the most difficult years for us with health and it is only the end of April. Our air quality has changed dramatically because of constant demolition and construction. The weather cannot decide which season is best. We have had all four seasons in the past month depending on the day. I heard someone say that when you work in a foreign country, its not if you get sick, but when. How we deal with it decides whether we are able to stay or not. I have been sick for almost two months and Frank off and on for about the same. Frank and I are fighting through it with the help of Chinese Traditional medicine and our shipment of Day and Nyquil. We figure, if we were home, it would just be some other problem we would be facing so "get over it!" (Thanks Chuck!) I have also started a diet of only fruits and vegetables and other raw foods in an attempt to clean out the toxins that have invaded my system. Very tasty! (not the toxins) My friends here are very encouraging. It helps to know that most of them are dealing with similar issues of health and discouragement this year. Depression has hit most of us as well, so we bolster each other with encouraging stories and get together when we can for some fun. Just knowing someone else is going through it with you makes it much easier to get over "it". Today, the sun decided to shine and it hasn't rained as of yet, so things are looking up! A friend is taking me this evening for a massage to see if that will help me get better faster. What could it hurt at $4.60?
Thanks again to my faithful commenters and followers. I love reading your comments and knowing that you are out there!

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