Friday, January 21, 2011

Massage, Dinner...and Fire!


We had the coolest experience tonight. There is a massage place right near our place. I have already been there three times. But this time, with Ralph and Kay, was different. We were the only ones in there. They plied us for English language lessons. We soaked our feet and taught them words to Michael Jackson songs. When we came in, there was a guy with his knee on fire. Before we were finished, Ralph and I both were on fire. It's a treatment for arthritis and joint pain. They gave us the treatment for free and after my guy started, I understood why. They were in training. My towel caught on fire up to my jeans. I patted it out and he started again. They dampen the towel with water, put it on you knee, then sprinkle "fire alcohol" on it and light it up! Then they stretch the towel taut against your knee until you cry "Uncle!", pat the fire down, massaging your knee at the same time. I was surprised how long I went before it hurt. That's why the towel caught on fire. It actually felt good.

While we were paying, the one girl in the bunch came over and asked us if we would like to stay for dinner. She was cooking in the back. I tried to talk our way out of it because we didn't want to eat up all their food. They work so hard! But she insisted, and we acquiesced. It was one of the best meals we have had in a while! We all sat in the massage chairs, ate and watched Chinese television. Xiao Li, the girl, said she would teach me how to cook it all and if we came every day between four and five, we could eat with them. All of that and we only paid 15Y, about 2 bucks. R and K are still converting money in their head and its contagious. I usually think only in RMB. We had a wonderful time and I now have access to a cooking class!



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