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Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Coming Home 回国家 (hui guo jia) Part 3
We have three weeks to go before our return for the summer. Emotionally, I am already gone. Mentally, I am trying to focus on life here keeping my routine of work and study. And there is a small part of me that is even hesitant to go home. That is the most surprising of all. Perhaps it is the fear that things can never be the same, coupled with the fact that we don't plan to stay home. For the past seven months we have traded the stresses of life in America for life here. There is a very big difference, with life being much simpler here. Just planning our return has brought back some of that stress. What will we do for work, will our house sell, will we be able to buy our return tickets, all these things weigh on my mind. I know that help will always be there but that doesn't stop this worry wart from thinking about it. I have been told that it takes a few trips back and forth from home to get used to these conflicts, but that it does get easier. And I have faith that true friendships can't be severed by time and distance.
Mandy "Expectation postponed is making the heart sick"-Wise Man
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it was so nice to see familiar faces when I opened ur blog but I have to say the first pic is still the cutest!!!! (no prejudice of course) sandra