They say variety is the spice of life. There is plenty of variety in China when it comes to food. Although we spent most of our last week eating western food, over the past eight months, even Frank has widened out in his association. The fruit here is amazing and I will definitely miss the mangoes which grow as long as 10 in or more and are sweet as nectar. You can't beat the prices either. The brown strawberry looking thing is lyche, I think that's how you spell it. The meat is white and has the texture of grape pulp. Watch out for the pit though, it's big. They are sweet and very juicy. Grapes just came in season and there are many varieties available, even seedless. I have even tried Chinese icecream. Believe it or not, among the green tea and red bean flavor which are not so hot, there is a cheese flavor that is really good. Just imagine frozen cheescake and you have it. YUM! I hope you have enjoyed the few recipes I have shared with you. I will post more, so keep in touch. If there is one you would like, just let me know. The culinary arts are my favorite hobby and I will continue to explore strange new eats. Hope Frank continues to be my brave guinea pig!

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