The market I blogged about will close this week. We have visited a few more times but it is little more than a garbage heap with a few people selling the remnants of their wares from a blanket on the ground. Some of the buildings have been torn down and all are desolate and empty. Where have all those families gone? Some have relocated in other parts of the city and set up shop again. One sweet old lady who sold fabric is only moving around the corner. She invited us to come see her. I will take her up on that. Others have returned to their villages homeless and jobless. The financial crisis seems to be everywhere. It is better to focus on the positive aspects, a trait I may never get right, wait that's not very positive. See? Anyway, I have included some pics of happier things too. Can you see the sign in the bedroom? It says Elder's Room. Interesting. Our friends apartment is coming along. The owners agreed to put in a floor, kitchen and doors. How gracious of them. The cool thing is they get to pick out the colors and style. That doesn't happen often. The owner's tried very hard to convince our friends that hazard yellow was the best color for kitchen cabinets and refused to go with an off-white or anything nuetral for that matter. They compromised on a soft green. That's better than cooking in a radioactive room. They are happy with it and anxious to move in. A few more weeks maybe less. We have been promised bath time, they have a TUB!!! I would pay a fee to use it. Hello to all of our friends. I miss hearing from many of you and seeing the comments.
Don't you realize that the sea is the home of water? All water is off on a journey unless it's in the sea, and it's homesick, and bound to make its way home someday”
Zora Neale Hurston
Mandy dear, happy to see you keeping it positive. I hope to be able to come visit soon. I love your pics, your kids, and your stories. Tell your guests I said "howdy-doo". :-)
ReplyDeleteThey said hello right back!
ReplyDeleteHowdy. Wow. When I first saw the pictures of the market, before I read the blog, I thought it was a picture of a homeless area of town. That is kind of sad. I'm glad you have pictures of it in it's more vibrant day. What's going there now? I forgot. Have a GREAT day!! Sara