While we are compiling memories, let us add the worst superbowl party ever to the list! In order to watch it live, we had to get up at 6:30, that's am, and find a live stream online. We had friends coming over, so I had to actually be cheerful this early. At least I thought I did until everyone arrived and I realized none of us were morning people, then there was no pressure. Get your own coffee. We found the pre-game show on both our computers, they were about 30 sec. apart and Frank's would only work in a minimized screen, about 4 inches square. My sister skyped me so I paused mine to say hello to the kids and that was all she wrote for my stream, never did get it back from that site. Soon we had three laptops frantically looking, right before kickoff, but the only one available was with chinese commentators. You cannot watch the SuperBowl without John Madden's voice and pen, it just isn't done. Finally one computer got a stream and we shut the others down just in case. Meanwhile, we started cooking: bacon, pancakes, strawberries, and pineapple with coffee and juice. There were five of us, but when four pancakes were done... the gas ran out. Seriously, we ran out of gas and couldn't cook. For those of you who know me best, hosting and cooking are my forte. How embarrasing! It took over two hours and many phone calls to locate a company that could first find our apartment and then bring us a fresh tank. Ahh, sweet memories! Then, as the cardinals ran the field for a touchdown to take the lead, with only two minutes left, our live stream died. I would like to take this moment to thank our dear friends in Batesburg for having superbowl parties and skyping at the same time. We were talked through the last minutes with a skype play by play. It was indeed a memorable event whether we want to remember it or not. We did count our blessings, at least we had access to the game all the way over here. It was fun having people over, we were able to trash talk with friends back home and we have plenty to laugh about.

Well, I don´t even know what Super Bowl is... ;-)
ReplyDeleteThat was really fun! I think we were the only Steelers fans at our gathering. What else is new. It was so beautiful. I missed Frank's pouty face next to Mark's cheshire grin. It was a great game though. Did you guys get any commercials? If not aceandtj.com has them on their site today. -sharon