Sunday, June 20, 2010

Blog change!

Hi everybody!! This is an official apology to all of my faithful readers. I am so sorry for not being clear about the changes in our blogs. When we returned to China in September of last year, we discovered that Blogger had been completely blocked. My entries after that were with the help of my sister Jennifer who posted them from the emails I sent. I soon set up a new blog using typepad though, and thought that I had informed everyone thru blogger. Since I have been back this month, I have discovered why only a handful of people have seen it. NO ONE KNEW!!! I am very sorry!! My new blog is: it is not as fancy as blogger but there are over 60 blogs already posted. If you scroll to the bottom of the screen you will see the button for previous post. You will just have to keep pushing it until you reach the beginning and start from there. I hope I will see more comments from returning readers. I had not forgotten you and have not stopped writing and taking pictures. Frank however has slacked off because he is busier than ever. His blog: does have several entries though if you want to check it out. Please do! We miss hearing your comments and knowing that people still remember us. Hope to see you soon on typepad!!!!!!
"I would forget my head if it wasn't screwed on" ME