We have recently been experiencing technical difficulty with our internet. That is why you have not heard from us. I didn't realize how much I rely on technology until it was gone. We were going crazy! I find that rather sad. The weather has changed here and when the sun doesn't come out, it affects our mood, mine especially. But, just when I think I would rather just curl up, the sun comes out and rejuvenates me. This morning after studying, I went grocery shopping. Equipped with my backpack and another bag inside it, I headed out. I usually end up taking the bus one stop more than I am supposed to because I haven't figured out which one goes where in this area. Sure enough, I had to walk a long way back for the little western store I frequent. I can get cheddar cheese, bagels, muffins, oatmeal and get this, Campbells soup!!! And it is about .50 per can! Tomorrow I am making chicken tetrazzini. That is so cool! After that with my backpack so full I could barely zip it, I headed to the real market. Oh yeah, I bought a huge stockpot too. Only one hand was free and I was already leaning backwards from the weight of the backpack. I found strawberries, raw peanuts, onions, bokchoy and napa cabbage. That filled the extra bag I brought. Then I had to carry it all the way home and up the first LONG flight of stairs. The elevator saved me the rest of the way. Doing this weekly has built up my strength quite a bit. Now I have a huge pot of peanuts boiling on the stove. Can you smell them? A little bit of the south here in the east! Frank had a guy fixing the internet here most of the day. He is really nice. It took about four hours to get everything set up, then he told us there was no charge. "We are friends", he said. WOW! He sat and talked for awhile, then came into the kitchen to see what I bought. Then he opened up the fridge and the freezer. He wanted to know what foreigners eat. I guess he was satisfied that we weren't too strange. So funny!